Wednesday, January 30, 2008

things to consider...

  1. Be on my prayer team: a few prayer requests sent out once a week or once every two weeks.
  2. Be a fundraiser: just as if you would fundraise for anything else. We've all done it. Tell people what Young Life Belgium is all about. Meet the need.
  3. Be a donor: donate to YL Belgium at I must raise another $1,1,00/month. Don't ever think any amount is too little. $10 & $20/month adds up!
  4. Do you know anyone... that has French experience?: we need some help! If you know anyone that has a heart for kids, missions, or Europe, please have them contact me.
  5. Did you get the e-update?: If you'd like to get the e-update (which is above) and you have not, please email me at (remove IHEARTYL).
  6. Pray over the general list on the e-update.

I've loaded two short videos of hanging out at our Pirate themed Fall Camp in October.

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