Friday, January 25, 2008


its late, but i felt like blogging....

i havent dreamt in a long time and recently i have been dreaming every night. weird dreams. nothing really scary. Thank God! do you think they mean anything? why am i dreaming so much and what do my dreams mean? the night before last i woke up to hear a male voice say "Jess!" what does that mean? it was 5AM, no one was here. i can't hear anything up in my room from downstairs anyway. anyone have answers?

tonight had dinner with adriana, ray, susan, claudia, ioana, gerald, and his mom. then went to visit with marissa and liesl at the phipps house. it was a good time of reflecting on this month. get a little pep talk...

tomorrow is our big assemble generale. im supposed to say a little something. dont really know what to expect but i hope it goes well. ill probablly start in french and then just switch to english. if i talk the whole time in french everyone will think im so dumb. i dont like how people label/categorize you by the way you speak in their own language. no! im not dumb, i just can express myself in your language...thank you very much!

ok goodnight to all. and thank you for reading my blog. fo shizzle ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's like in I Samuel 3.

If it happens again maybe you could say like he did "Speak, for your servant is listening".