Thursday, January 31, 2008

Belgium Update Jan '08

Dear Friends and Family,

It's 2008!! Oh my, can you believe it? I can’t! I never thought I would make it through high school then through college. Here I am out of college, out of corporate America, living in Wavre, Belgium. Who woulda thunk?! J

Once again, thank you for a wonderful year of support! I am incredibly blessed to know you. While in the States last month, I became incredibly discouraged as the month home to fundraise went nothing as planned. Nevertheless, our faithful God is providing as you continue to support me in this mission!

A rocky month it was….my month began with death and ended with life! It’s amazing how God sees us through our trials, struggles, difficulties, sorrow, and happiness. The other day I was reading Hebrews and was struck by the first verse in chapter 11, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” It is very neat to be on the frontlines seeing the lives of Belgian teenagers change. I hope you see how you are impacting our future!

When I get discouraged, I need to remind myself that I’m right where I’m supposed to be. How do I know that?! Because God continues to provide! He wouldn’t just throw me out to the wolves now would He? No! He is a caring God. Hebrews 10:36 says, “You need to preserve so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” He has everything all planned out. We just need to follow His guidance and have faith. If it were only that easy all the time, huh?

May you be encouraged to persevere, do His will, follow His guidance, and have faith!

Hugs and love,


Current happenings and requests:

Ski camp 2008: This Friday, February 1st to Saturday, February 9th. Pray for snow, for changed lives, for good relationships, for the speakers, for safety on the slopes, for fun times, and a safe travels to and from.

JV Interclub: February 16th. All clubs come together and have one club. It is a lot of fun for everyone as the kids get to be with their friends that they seldom see. Pray for Nat Winston, the speaker.

Wavre Club: Through June. Pray for deeper relationships, for the desire to know more about Jesus, pray for fun times, good weather, and unity within the group.

Young Life Training: February 27th -29th. Pray that I will get all my assignments done! Pray that this time together with others will be productive and encouraging.

JV Day: April 5th. A day trip to the beach with all the kids. Road trip!!! Food, club, and fun! They love it!

Study Camp: May 9th-12th. Pray for a good group, for new kids, for the kids who need to be in this type of environment to come.

New Young Life branding: Very soon!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

things to consider...

  1. Be on my prayer team: a few prayer requests sent out once a week or once every two weeks.
  2. Be a fundraiser: just as if you would fundraise for anything else. We've all done it. Tell people what Young Life Belgium is all about. Meet the need.
  3. Be a donor: donate to YL Belgium at I must raise another $1,1,00/month. Don't ever think any amount is too little. $10 & $20/month adds up!
  4. Do you know anyone... that has French experience?: we need some help! If you know anyone that has a heart for kids, missions, or Europe, please have them contact me.
  5. Did you get the e-update?: If you'd like to get the e-update (which is above) and you have not, please email me at (remove IHEARTYL).
  6. Pray over the general list on the e-update.

I've loaded two short videos of hanging out at our Pirate themed Fall Camp in October.

Friday, January 25, 2008


its late, but i felt like blogging....

i havent dreamt in a long time and recently i have been dreaming every night. weird dreams. nothing really scary. Thank God! do you think they mean anything? why am i dreaming so much and what do my dreams mean? the night before last i woke up to hear a male voice say "Jess!" what does that mean? it was 5AM, no one was here. i can't hear anything up in my room from downstairs anyway. anyone have answers?

tonight had dinner with adriana, ray, susan, claudia, ioana, gerald, and his mom. then went to visit with marissa and liesl at the phipps house. it was a good time of reflecting on this month. get a little pep talk...

tomorrow is our big assemble generale. im supposed to say a little something. dont really know what to expect but i hope it goes well. ill probablly start in french and then just switch to english. if i talk the whole time in french everyone will think im so dumb. i dont like how people label/categorize you by the way you speak in their own language. no! im not dumb, i just can express myself in your language...thank you very much!

ok goodnight to all. and thank you for reading my blog. fo shizzle ;)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

we got some S-U-N wahoo!

someone must have been praying for some sun here in belgium!! it was sunny all day today! THANK GOD :)

some prayer requests:
-BIGGIE.... pray that the kids will get over the fact that we are restricting cell phones and limiting ipod usage. this is huge! in the US it is normal to give it up for a week, but this will be the first time. the kids are gonna have a COW!!!
-pray for an office for Jeunesse et Vie (Young Life Belgium)
-pray for all the kids going to ski camp (we don't know a lot of them!)
-pray for kids to understand the messages, to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.

***photo of Roselie and I at the Young Life All Staff Conference in Florida.***

Monday, January 21, 2008

je déteste la pluie

rain rain go away DON'T COME BACK ANOTHER DAY! blahhhhhh

pray for snow while we are at ski camp. 2 Feb-9 Feb 2008.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


my dad got away from florida for a hot second!! woohoo!! he came to say goodbye to me the day before i left to come back to belgium. AND to see he FIRST grandchild, Veronica. im SOOOOO glad you came dad! Thanks.
below is a family picture of us ALL! usually we do a family picture, make it in to a Christmas card and send it out. so many normal things just got put to the side after this month. i wish things would have just been the same...but then again that wouldn't be a "normal" life now would it?

So, yes, i'm back in belgium! the conference was FANTASTICO! lol it was a hoot. i'm so thankful i was able to go. before the conference i was able to spend time with my aunt and uncle in tampa. thank you very much for having me! i wish i could have spent more time with rod and kim, but anytime is enough.

we had club on friday! went to church this morning. and now im studying for a huge french exam on tuesday. this may be the first time i fail something!! ahhh. ive missed so much. and even the other students say they arent prepared.
pray that i can learn this stuff. not to just pass, but to really learn it. i mean, that is the whole reason im taking classes, duh! lol maybe ill take this section over again next year.

Ski camp is coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kids are pumped. they get a whole week off :) we leave on the 2nd at 1AM (that is really the night of the 1st)
a la prochaine!