Friday, January 30, 2009

Belgium Update Jan '09

I can't believe it is almost February! Can you? Wow, Christmas came and went.

I'm so glad to have had an experience of Christmas in Belgium. However, right about now I have a feeling of wanting to go home. I wish you all knew how I really feel. Sometimes I feel so humbled and privileged to be here. At other times I feel like I'm trapped, which is definitely not the case despite my emotions.

January has been a tough month for me. I've been feeling quite down. Actually, I thought I was out of this "funk" until Saturday. Uhhhgg. That is how I feel!

Everything in ministry is going well. I truly do enjoy being here. It is just hard to explain my mixed feelings. Some people think it's due to the weather. I think it might be that I sometimes I need to "be the kid" and not always feel stuck being the leader. This is where I ask you to send me a little message. I surely miss EVERYONE. That is probably part of it as well. Last year at this time I was able to see many of you, even if it was only for a few minutes. Honestly, I didn't think I would miss everyone as much as I do. We get so comfortable with the people that surround us and don't realize how it feels without them there.

I share this so that I can be transparent to you. My hope is that if you too are feeling down; remember to lean on the Lord. We are called to be obedient to the Lord no matter the circumstances. This is a season that is here and in time will pass. We must stand firm! But it's hard!

Sorry I don't have much to offer this update. Hope you are all well and that you are blessed this year of 2009. God has big plans for all of us! I pray that we are patient, obedient, and confident in our Savior and his will for our lives. Pray for you who receive this update. Thank you for your year-round support and especially your year-end giving!




I've included a page from an "Our Daily Bread" book....just something reassuring to think about.

January 18

All things work together for good… to those who are the called according to His purpose. ~Romans 8:28

When a cowboy applied for an insurance policy, the agent asked, “Have you ever had any accidents?” After a moments reflection, the applicant responded, “Nope, but a bronc did kick in two of my ribs last summer, and a couple of years ago a rattlesnake bit me on the ankle.”

“Wouldn’t you call those accidents?” replied the puzzled agent. “Naw,” the cowboy said, “they did it on purpose!”

That story reminds me of the biblical truth that there are no accidents in the live of God’s children. What seems like a tragedy from the human standpoint can actually be a providential means of blessing.

Does everything seem to be going against you? These apparent misfortunes are not accidents. The Lord allows such things for a blessed purpose. So, patiently trust Him. Someday you will praise Him for it all!

–R.W. D.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

e-newsletter pics

hi there!

just wanted to share some background on the photos us put in the january update.

the first photo is of us girls preparing dinner before club. we made some type of soup/stew. very very yummy! that is probably another thing i can put on my resume :) hehehehe teaching teenagers how to cook. they get so caught up in following the exact directions. that is just a little proof of their inexperience. in go by what it looks like, taste likes, feels like..hehehehe. it was a fun time of being together in the kitchen and then taking some pics while in action.

the second photo is on my sled ride down the mountain of the austrian alps. it was pretty amazing! im so glad i went to serve another YL region. i had the wonderful opportunity to goof off and be a kid again sledding down the ginormous mountains.

thank the lord for that opportunity as it helped me take the first step out my "funk."

its so late....gotta sleep. thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

car and cold

ohh boy my car. it didnt start on monday when i was on my was to portuguese class. so i missed it :( uggghhh what a bummer. :(

so it got working and i thought it was fine.

on tuesday (yesterday) i used it to pick up a girl after school. it was fine.

i didnt want to drive to class this morning because i was afraid there would still be ice etc. plus the traffic stinks already in the morning. i was going to take the train.....ended up not doing that. luckily i didnt go outside because my car didnt work anyway. i went to leave this afternoon and it didnt work. try out some things to make it work and it didnt happen.

sheesh! ill be taking the train everywhere tomorrow, which is fine besides the fact that each ride is at least 1hr. booohoooo. i do prefer taking the train but they arent as convenient as getting your know!?

so thats the deal. dont know when or how ill fix the car yet. maybe saturday. that is the first day ill actually have time and not have to miss or cancel ONE more thing :(

yes, i guess i can put mechanic on my resume now. ;)


i realize that this is not something ive been making a priority. id like it to be very much.

who actually reads this? i was hoping to write a little every week, but it seems like ive only been doing every 2 or 3 weeks. id like to continue however would like to know that people read this.

today i was supposed to go to my last french class, but it was WAY too cold and im afraid of going too far in my itty bitty car on these not so very good roads that are not plowed and VERY icy. ive been home working which is great! but i do feel bad for not going.

next week im going to austria...but to get there it will be an adventure. marissa and i will be travelling together. at least that is a plus! we fly out really early on wednesday to rome and then from rome to munich. in munich, lyndsey will be picking us up and we are driving to mittersill. or something like that. apparently it is 2-3hrs away. we will be there providing child care for our old region. (well we split and their half is the other half!)

im bummed that we wont be near salzburg because i really wanted to do the sound of music tour. i guess ill have to do that another time.

you know when your time flies by and "the end" seems near you get more antsy about going places. all of a sudden i feel like i have to get so many cities and countries checked off my list. I LOVE TO TRAVEL. hope that i will be able to do some fun travelling soon.

tootles. j