Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Exciting News!

This summer two guys from Belgium were accepted to do work crew** (see below) at Lake Champion in August! That is great! The coolest part is that Bill, Western Prince William County's Area Director will be the work crew boss. That is so neat that the boys that I soon will be involved with will be working with Bill.

The guys are going to have an awesome time! I can't wait to show them around D.C. and then drive them to Champion.

Crazy how things happen huh? Looks like I will be leaving at the end of August for sure. Maybe I will leave the 31st of August.

Please pray for my financial support. Thanks :)

**Work crew is when high school students volunteer for an entire month at a camp. They spend their days serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also do various other projects around the camp, but their main job is to serve in the dining hall. There is also something called "tawashi." A tawashi is someone who cares for the cabins. They clean and maintain the crisp, clean, look of the cabins. The ODC or Out Door Crew work the grounds. They keep up with the lawn, landscape, etc. EVERYONE DOES AND INCREDIBLE JOB. All of it is for the Lord. YL strives to have for excellence.

Monday, April 24, 2006

This week

Last Monday I was out of commission because I got this darm bug from someone on Saturday night. Come to find I wasn't the only one. There were 5 of us that got sick. I can't believe it!

Today I went to visit Melissa in the hospital. She just got knee surgery! Oh my goodness, people have to be mega strong to do that. She was all drugged up and pushing the morphine button every 6 minutes (that is the most you can have it). It was a good time spending time with her and her mother. I remember when Melissa was a Freshman and she went to camp at Lake Champion. She didn't know anyone. Now she is a Senior and preparing for college!

In place of club, tonight we played four square and kickball at the park with Osbourn and Osbourn Park Young Lifers. It was a great time. I really enjoy spending time with the kids in small group settings. It allows for us to really get to know them and hear what they have to say. Next week I will be heading out of town so everyone will meet at Cynthia and Rebecca's house to hang out. Apparently there is a huge t.v. and a pool table. I think everyone will have fun.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Mixed emotions

Good Friday, Easter.... What an awesome weekend to reflect on the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wow, wow, wow. He did an incredible thing for us. I am SO thankful for the sacrifice He made.

This week has been a partial rollercoaster for me. I felt excited and sad. It is a great feeling to know that I am now free from working and will be fundraising full-time. At the same time working is what I knew and what I am used to. It is quite strange, but all in all I know God is shaping me to be who He wants me to be.

**The next door neighbor's dog will NOT STOP BARKING!!!! I wonder if the dog is OK?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

a few weeks ago. glimpse of YL (wpwc)

This is a picture of Kristyn, David, and I (YL leaders) with some of the kids in Manassas after one of our scavenger hunts.

First blog :0

So, I begin my blogging today.... I only have two more days of work left and it is quite strange. I have been working at Booz Allen for almost 2.5 years now! I can't believe I won't be driving to McLean or Ballston everyday. I'll most definitely miss all the great people that I have met, worked with, and become friends with. Work is ALL about the PEOPLE!!

Stephanie and Nicki put together a happy hour for my "Bon Voyage" from work yesterday (Friday) at Caribbean Breeze. A LOT of people showed up. Thank you everyone for coming out :) What I find odd is that I did not take one single picture last night. You know me, I always have a camera everywhere I go and snap a shot here and there. Minus one tangible memory.