Wednesday, January 07, 2009

car and cold

ohh boy my car. it didnt start on monday when i was on my was to portuguese class. so i missed it :( uggghhh what a bummer. :(

so it got working and i thought it was fine.

on tuesday (yesterday) i used it to pick up a girl after school. it was fine.

i didnt want to drive to class this morning because i was afraid there would still be ice etc. plus the traffic stinks already in the morning. i was going to take the train.....ended up not doing that. luckily i didnt go outside because my car didnt work anyway. i went to leave this afternoon and it didnt work. try out some things to make it work and it didnt happen.

sheesh! ill be taking the train everywhere tomorrow, which is fine besides the fact that each ride is at least 1hr. booohoooo. i do prefer taking the train but they arent as convenient as getting your know!?

so thats the deal. dont know when or how ill fix the car yet. maybe saturday. that is the first day ill actually have time and not have to miss or cancel ONE more thing :(

yes, i guess i can put mechanic on my resume now. ;)

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