Thursday, January 31, 2008

Belgium Update Jan '08

Dear Friends and Family,

It's 2008!! Oh my, can you believe it? I can’t! I never thought I would make it through high school then through college. Here I am out of college, out of corporate America, living in Wavre, Belgium. Who woulda thunk?! J

Once again, thank you for a wonderful year of support! I am incredibly blessed to know you. While in the States last month, I became incredibly discouraged as the month home to fundraise went nothing as planned. Nevertheless, our faithful God is providing as you continue to support me in this mission!

A rocky month it was….my month began with death and ended with life! It’s amazing how God sees us through our trials, struggles, difficulties, sorrow, and happiness. The other day I was reading Hebrews and was struck by the first verse in chapter 11, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” It is very neat to be on the frontlines seeing the lives of Belgian teenagers change. I hope you see how you are impacting our future!

When I get discouraged, I need to remind myself that I’m right where I’m supposed to be. How do I know that?! Because God continues to provide! He wouldn’t just throw me out to the wolves now would He? No! He is a caring God. Hebrews 10:36 says, “You need to preserve so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” He has everything all planned out. We just need to follow His guidance and have faith. If it were only that easy all the time, huh?

May you be encouraged to persevere, do His will, follow His guidance, and have faith!

Hugs and love,


Current happenings and requests:

Ski camp 2008: This Friday, February 1st to Saturday, February 9th. Pray for snow, for changed lives, for good relationships, for the speakers, for safety on the slopes, for fun times, and a safe travels to and from.

JV Interclub: February 16th. All clubs come together and have one club. It is a lot of fun for everyone as the kids get to be with their friends that they seldom see. Pray for Nat Winston, the speaker.

Wavre Club: Through June. Pray for deeper relationships, for the desire to know more about Jesus, pray for fun times, good weather, and unity within the group.

Young Life Training: February 27th -29th. Pray that I will get all my assignments done! Pray that this time together with others will be productive and encouraging.

JV Day: April 5th. A day trip to the beach with all the kids. Road trip!!! Food, club, and fun! They love it!

Study Camp: May 9th-12th. Pray for a good group, for new kids, for the kids who need to be in this type of environment to come.

New Young Life branding: Very soon!


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