Monday, March 31, 2008

so much to say

I've been slipping on updating my blog. please forgive me.

well i haven't had school for a week and will not have it this week either. i have much to study as i will have a test when we get back and then an exam. yes one right after the other. so ill be studying at the end of this week.

since there hasn't been school, I've been busy with meetings and reading. i sure wish i had more time and that it wouldn't pass by so quickly.

i must say, life has been so incredibly good. i know its because of all your prayer. the lord is faithful! i cant really explain it, but i DO feel comforted, at peace, loved, etc. thank you for praying! it has surely changed this difficult time.

i find myself without words to explain all that I'm thinking and going through this month. I'm still satisfied in the Lord. what does that mean you ask? well, I'm just content with my life. i feel that I'm being used exactly where I'm to be used. I'm doing important work that i can see the product of. i do feel as though I'm getting attached this place.

for Easter i ate one of my girls' house. i was sitting at the kid table....of course...i still haven't graduated from that table....LOL. no jk jk i chose that. they are my life! i love being with them! i had asked the kids if they would remember me in two years. and they said yes DEFINITELY. its hard to think that I'm gonna leave them and i wont be able to see what they turn into or who they become.

anyway-there is so much to say. i wish there were some people here to hear what all is happening here.

love on some kids-it will change YOUR life, not just theirs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go girl.