Monday, December 01, 2008

stay connected

if you know know i take pictures of EVERYTHING! and I LOVE using my timer. hehehehehhe yes
(picture of our group minus Aurelie)
we have been having a bible study on sunday nights with guys and girls from this area age 20+. it has been really good! every sunday i wonder, man why did i commit to helping lead this? then once we get into the study i understand.
this is how we are with jesus too. we dont want to go to him. we thing its a drag. we're tired. we're busy. we're not worthy. we have no time. once we are at His feet we are filled and humbled. why do we get that initial feeling of blahhh? i think it has to do with the fact that we don't keep that relationship up with him. like a friend, like a family member. if we aren't getting the recent news on how things are going, we lose contact. we lose connection. we feel further and further away.
he has our best interests in mind. let's not forget that.
"seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." matthew 6:33

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