Friday, November 02, 2007

end of oct. beginning of nov.

well this week is all saints week and the kids have off of school. i was hoping to get back on track with all the work that has been piling up. since my parents were here and i didnt have internet things have been on hold. now everything is back on track except when my computer decided to croak again! grrrr. Dennis i need you ;)

for now i can deal with it, but i hope that everything can be fixed while im at home. what do you think dennis? will you spare a couple hours to give my computer a check up?

last weekend was camp and it was GREAT! however there were many people who were sick. yup, so i got sick too. this week hasnt been so bad...just lots of tissues everywhere, lots of tea, cough drops, etc. you know how it goes.

lee corder also came last thursday with rick beckwith. it was a good time of sharing about the ministry and some visions for the future.

ill be studying today, tomorrow, and sunday for my BIG french exam on monday. it will be 3.5 hrs of what we have learned since september. doesnt sound like a long time but when you learn like 2 or 3 things a day it is A L O T!

Priscillas birthday is on Sunday so ill be going to the murrus house for her birthday lunch. she will be 14!! she is getting so old :) the lunch will be a sit-down lunch with both roselie's family and sergio's family. that means like 40 some people!

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